Friday, February 28, 2020

Corona Virus in Lagos: Note to Librarians

Corona Virus in Lagos: Note to Librarians

by:Victor Ejechi

Yesterday the 27th of February 2020 there was a confirmed case of Corona Virus in Lagos Nigeria.

This I know will cause a lot of panic amongst Nigerians.

Again, the role Librarians played in curbing the widespread of Ebola Virus years ago can not be overemphasis, we did great.

Therefore, I call on all university librarians, Directors, librarians and library officers to start the process (that's if they haven't started) of the proper spread of information and prevention process.

Let's do it again.

Let's have a diagram showing the prevention process.

Water and soup should be at the entrance of the library.

Distract your readers in the middle of their reading and do a 3 minutes lecture on the virus and its prevention.

The University Libraries should take it upon themselves and educate the university's community.

The embedded roles of Librarians should come to play more effectively now.

Please leave the library and enter the classrooms.

 Interrupt lectures and lecturer (with permission) and pass the information and prevention techniques.

This is where our expertise comes in.

I will be sharing more updates and tips to help us achieve this as librarians.

For support on data and strategies, I am a chat or a phone call away

Kindly Share this


Victor Ejechi

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