Thursday, February 11, 2021


I would've recalled my beginning

For it has a lot of meaning

But then I was still mining

Yet I was not miming.

I would've removed pride

To get a good and homely bride

When my peers know my tide

For I must continue to ride.

I would've loved my teachers

For truly they are the preachers

That exposed us as researchers

But not to be their vouchers.

I would've worshipped the lord

For he carried all my load

Even while on the rough road

He allowed me to rode.

I would've cared for the poor

For they don't have the poo

Yet can't swim to the cure  

But our worries they made pure

I would've spoken for freedom

For my name is wisdom

Even when I reach my stardom

I will give my people a stadium.

I would've not abuse powers

Even when I have many towers

I will always motivate the scholars

For they are our encoders .

I would've seen the world as market

Which moves like the rocket

Though there are lots of basket

Then myself I must avail a pocket.

Brought to you by:

©️ *Life of Wisdom's series*

Written by✍🏽


1 comment:


never has my life  been dramatically changed  by an animal  encounter - but that’s  OK for the hundreds of  little adjustments  ...