Monday, December 14, 2020


We claimed to be wise, Yet we produced that which destroys humanity. We claimed to be wise, Yet we hid from the sick what he needs to make him whole. In our quest for power, authority and wealth, we destroyed nature, Yet we complained of desertification. We emitted poisonous gases into the world, Yet we complained of global warming. Our factories made weapons and destroyed God's creations, Yet we claimed to be godly. We declared budget surpluses, Yet we failed to feed the Hungry, clothe the naked, and care for the widows and orphans. We claimed to detest greed and corruption, Yet we celebrated known criminals in our churches and mosques. We claimed to have aversion to fraud and other vices, Yet traditional titles have become an item for the highest bidder. We dumped our communalistic ethos and adorned ourselves with aggravated individualism, Yet we complained of our lost identify. God in his mercy gave us oil as largesse, Yet we failed to use this gift to our advantage. We claimed to be wise, Yet we destroyed ourselves by interrupting our innocence. We are our own worst enemies....... -Idowu Omowole (2018), "Innocence interrupted". Ibadan: University press PLC.

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never has my life  been dramatically changed  by an animal  encounter - but that’s  OK for the hundreds of  little adjustments  ...