Wednesday, January 20, 2021



My heart is broken and it's bleeding ,

Pains flowing through my veins;

Because of the brutality in our neighbouring country

When wars and conflicts totally cease,

In our world, there shall be peace.

We must rid ourselves of vanity,

embrace peace, through humanity

War makes our lives tougher,

Lose our innocence, while we suffer.

We should fight for peace instead,

Love not war, we should spread. 


Peace is something we all seek,

When we lack it, we feel weak.

Since it's rooted deep inside,

The labour of our heroes past

Shall never be in vain

To serve with heart and might

One nation bound in freedom, 

peace and unity.

We are the change,we can make it happen.

War and conflicts, we must avoid,

So that beauty of life, may be enjoyed.

I say Ayekoo and let peace prevail 


Written by: Mawuli 

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