Thursday, February 18, 2021


Thy ribs made me

But thy hand beats me

Though thy love attracts me

Yet your name you gave me.

My love I gave to you

My soul I sold to you

My surname I killed for you

My pains I get from you.

Is your people no longer mine?

Is your wealth no longer mine?

Is your body no longer mine?

Is your love no longer mine?.

Yes I have lost my appetite

Although I have paid my tithe

Then I tried to gain my might

Yet I can't reach the height.

Who truncated my matrimony?

When I have all my testimony.

Should I go my maternal home?

No, here is my matrimonial home.

Why blood on your body?

Yet wet is your body

Why strange marks on your body?

Remember we are one body.

Brought to you by:

©️ *Life of Wisdom's series*

Written by ✍🏽


Thursday, February 11, 2021


We inhabit strategic places

But we have the information

Always ready to give it out

For in pains of our dude.

It's our work to monitor

Anyone who says what

For pleasures we derive

Yet pains remains the pal.

We separate soul from the mind

For we are the ancient reporter

So fearless in our reportage

Yet favour we get in returns.

We inject marrow to the bones

Yet we don't eat the meat

Insecticide we always spray

But cockroach is our meat.

Life we give to so many

Yet we Battle in the coma

For what we need we give 

Yet we smile in pains.

We are the mirror of life

Like that of CCTV camera

But we have the ability to store

Not minding the less important.

Forgiveness we give in lips

Yet heart of a Lion we hide

But we understand taste of time

Even at detriment of loved once.

Our oath is ready to take

For denial we have put before

So clear that it's our nature

But the world knows our existence.

Brought to you by:

©️ *Life of Wisdoms series*

Written by✍🏽



I would've recalled my beginning

For it has a lot of meaning

But then I was still mining

Yet I was not miming.

I would've removed pride

To get a good and homely bride

When my peers know my tide

For I must continue to ride.

I would've loved my teachers

For truly they are the preachers

That exposed us as researchers

But not to be their vouchers.

I would've worshipped the lord

For he carried all my load

Even while on the rough road

He allowed me to rode.

I would've cared for the poor

For they don't have the poo

Yet can't swim to the cure  

But our worries they made pure

I would've spoken for freedom

For my name is wisdom

Even when I reach my stardom

I will give my people a stadium.

I would've not abuse powers

Even when I have many towers

I will always motivate the scholars

For they are our encoders .

I would've seen the world as market

Which moves like the rocket

Though there are lots of basket

Then myself I must avail a pocket.

Brought to you by:

©️ *Life of Wisdom's series*

Written by✍🏽


Saturday, February 6, 2021




Our age is that of nationalization of intellect in culture and history. 

It is an unvarnished truth that time itself rots yet never decayed nor buried in an event. 

Chief Oluwadare Oni, the late Aworo-Efi priest was a man of honour,  who even though, believed has died from this mortal coil, but the emboldenment of his fame in the faces and minds of every living heart seems indelible.

Pa Oluwadare Oni was the immediate past Chief Aworo-Efi of Ijurin - Ekiti. During his reign, as a grandson, I spent a decade living with him and my encounter with him has always built in my heart, a monumental assertion, that this grandfather (begotten my mother), there was no other man more caring, considerate, kindhearted, famous, nor valiant than him during his reign!

What man was he, so valiant and remembered not?  

Would you ever mind if you are privy to the wars he silently fought and gloriously won when his life was still green?

What town were it divinely and traditionally deployed; and his story unheard? What story was it, so obfuscates, heard; and not ascertained? 

Can you name a town where his Orthopaedic prowess has not reached?

Who was Pa, Oluwadare Oni (baba Atora )?

So many questions similar to those I have stated above will take us on a astray  journey.

Chief Oluwadare Oni was a man of many parts. He was a workaholic who was so married to his work (ltora) that it took the grace of God and the understanding of his wives to keep his family intact. In spite of his crowded schedule, his traditional life and commitment to his beloved Ijurin did not suffer. Enigma Chief Oluwadare Oni, popularly known as 'Baba Atora', was equally an unassuming, assiduous honest, a humble and loving man of integrity.


" I don't know who my grandfather was; I am much more concerned to know what his grandson will be". -Abraham Lincoln 

Ijurin Ekiti,  The cultural home of Chief Oluwadare Oni,  is an old community in the southwest division of Ekiti. It is bounded by iloro, Ipoti, Temidire and Ilog.... in ido osi local government area of Ekiti State.  Ijurin is one of the 22 towns in the old Ijero kingdom and one of the fifteen towns in the present Ijero local government area which came directly from Ile Ife.

The unique people of Ijurin-Ekiti who God Himself knitted to be one right from inception has monolithic culture which made them triumphed over adversaries that came their way right from Ile-Ife -the cradle of Yoruba race. Ijurin-Ekiti (Ajorin) people were led out of Ile Ife by that great man called Oba obiri during the mass exodus of people from Ile Ife. History still made it clear that Ijurin People settled first at OkeIleji, later Igbo Ilero along Okouraro, Igbo Ogbe, later settle Olukokoro, OkutaIsana, Okoore before settling at this our present location.

A powerful hunter from Aro clan of Ijurin people went out to hunt and moved far from his people with his wife and their child one day, he left his wife with the child to hunt as usual, the child was thirsty and hungry and started crying heavily, the helpless woman with the child removed the only covering on her body and laid the child on it and went nakedly to look for something to give the dying child because the hunter had gone far into the bush. As the woman was wandering and meandering inside the thick bush, she suddenly bumped into a brook, she drank and collected some with leaves, immediately after she gave the dying child, and the poor child came to life and cried no more. The woman jumped for joy, when the husband came from hunting, the woman narrated the story to him and they made up their minds that they will settle close to the brook and named it Arin hohoyun-meaning the water that saved my child when fetched when no apparel/ covering/cloth on me And that is how ‘Arioyun Eye Omo’ came into being. This man and the wife sent to others and they all came to settle at this present location called Ijurin today. One of the clans refuse to join them, they sent to them but they told the Imese (messengers) that; "a sia"meaning we are no more coming, which is where Sia people derived their name which they later changed to Temidire Ekiti the town that is very close to Ayegunle Ekiti are part of Ijurin-Ekiti then.

The late Chief Oluwadare Oni was born in 1887 into the family of Pa Agbeleumolegun at Aworo-Efi compound, Ijurin-Ekiti. Chief Oluwadare Oni was the first child of his mother, who was a sedulous and professional farmer Like all children in those days, Chief Oluwadare Oni diligently served his father on the farm. 

He was one of the able bodies’ men and most outstanding personalities amongst his contemporaries during his life time. He was a man who was naturally imbued with courage, sympathy and uncommon love for men and women and most importantly, for ljurin town. !

He was a Christian, a devoted Catholic member, but when he became the chief priest of Aworo-Efi in 1972, he became totally absorbed in the practice and protons of the custom of the priesthood. The Aworo - Efi chief before him came from the family of Asaolu, the man died in 1960,  thereby living a vacuum that gave him the opportunity to who ten years after,  become the Aworo-Efi's Priest 


There was no difference in Baba's character, when he was a Christian and when he later became the priest, that is, his character when he was a Christian still reflected in him when he became the priest. Baba loved everyone which makes him also loved  by everyone, there was nothing one demands from Baba that he won't receive, as regards his love, he was accommodating to the extent of allowing his relatives to live under his roof.

Apart from this, the late Chief Oluwadare Oni was a complete family man. He had a sincere love for his entire family members and all his sons and daughters.  He remains a blessing to his generation,  and generations yet unborn, and his landmark while here on earth remains remarkable. He was equally a very loyal, unique and complete family man, decent in character and absolutely remarkable  deed. To say, that Baba Oluwadare's life was interesting is an understatement, he lived a life worth emulating and for a very long time, his sojourn on earth will be a reference point not only to whosoever is related to him but to ljurin community as a whole.

He commanded respect not only because of his intimidating status and personality, but also, because of his high sense of humour and judgment. Controversially, he was the best custodian of Ijurin history and he knew almost everyone that lived in Ijurin both young and old by name during his time. 

Baba Oluwadare Oni despite no formal education was more than a literary giant, going by his self discipline, uncommon knowledge and understanding of what was absolutely hidden to the educated elites of his time. Interestingly, what he lacked in modern education was abundantly deposited in his natural mien and self development  through self practice.


History had it that Chief Oluwadare who was later known as Baba Atora i.e. Bone therapist, didn't inherit what brought him into public glare during his lifetime. His ability to help accident victims to bounce back and fit to live happily thereafter was said to be purely an indescribable phenomenon, far beyond human interpretation and understanding.

Baba Atora for several years was devoted to help accident victims free of charge and he did it dedicatedly, passionately and committed all what he had into building a reputation that was amazing and life outlasting. 

Though a local farmer by profession, his dedication to treating accident victims free of charge was later in life a blessing to all ljurin sons and daughters both at home and in the diaspora.

Chief Oluwadare Oni did not inherit bone-setting skill and he did not learn it from anyone, the inspiration just came. His own father Oni  "Agbeleumolegun" was an acknowledged “Aremo” specialist, who did not know more than taking care of ill health associated with mother and child. This was what Oluwadare Oni learnt from his own father, but suddenly he came about the skill of healing broken bones and soon he became much sought after from far and near.


As there have been some solid norms. Some well respected customs and tradition guiding the compound and community in entirety, that implies; there are dos and don'ts (Taboos). Thus, when the don'ts are prevented and avoided, all things are done well.

 During new yam festivals, Chief Oluwadare Oni once in a year harvested yams to perform traditional baptism according to the age-old guidelines of Efi's deity usually during the early period of the year:  He, gratefully and in appreciation to the gods that brings the sprouting of the yams into fruition celebrates with farmers and well - wishers.

During mid-July of the year, l, the youngest boy staying with chief Oluwadare Oni, the late Aworo-Efi, would accompany him to the farm; then, he would harvest one tuber of yam from every farm of every man and gave, in return, and as a sign to recognize his hand for that festival period, a particular hyssop, and, as well, a spiritual sign to rebuke the cancer worms from the rest (atonement): and been bound up, would be carried on my head to our household where all the rest of atonement would be performed and executed.

Thus, we make "Ibetefunfun"(white half pounded yam) and " Ibete pupa"(half pounded yam-mixed with palm oil), shared for the kids and spread outside for the unseen spirits demanding for theirs, (according to the elders saying) and all for the new yam festive period's blessings.

Oh! How I wish I know the secret behind this! 

Therein, some little pounded yam would be made by which no man must dare utter a single word, until dined finished. All these are rites and rituals performed to bless the people and the community. At the "Akodi" (meeting point) of the Aworo-Efi members, Baba goes there before any other person (as the chief priest) to monitor and check whether things are in order before the arrival of other members.


Baba was very close to Ojurin most especially during the "Elero" festival, there was a lot of rituals and sacrifice to be done. The "Iworo's" (which baba was one of them) must all be present at the "Elero" festival and they must perform some rites and rituals to bless the people and the community.

The leader of the "Iworo's" was "Aaye" priest - a very vital chief during the time of "Elero" festival, “Oniba” leads the rituals and sacrifice at "Igbo Elero".


Going by the personal development of his therapeutic business, which he bequeathed to his daughter yeye Atora of ljurin land, there were many hidden facts and mysteries surrounding the prowess and ability of an individual to practice in  an enduring business empire and several other things to learn about the times and life of Chief Oluwadare Oni, the Aworo-Efi of Aworo-Efi compound ljurin-Ekiti:

The late Aworo-Efi was a devoted priest of Aworo-Efi deity of lle Aworo-Efi ljurin. One amazing and significant fact was that Aworo-Efi deity saw commitment and sincerity in its servant who had seen the future in the then present of the therapeutic business as one that would later in life bring fame and popularity to ljurin town.

The life and times of Chief Oluwadare Oni is a testimony of pure loyalty and unwavered commitment to one's belief. Baba Oluwadare remains an indescribable individual, believing strictly and allowed posterity to judge his sojourn on mother earth, not minding his personal lifting and self enrichment.

Conclusively, it should be noted that the late Chief Oluwadare's name remains  priceless and that surpasses the contemporaries of his generation.


Baba, entrusted his only occupation of Atora to his daughter, Chief Mrs. Florence Bejide Oluwadare, the present yeye Atora, which she started immediately her late father passed on in 2007.  Chief Mrs. Bejide, now widely known as Yeye Atora, inherited his father’s patients, started treating them, one after the other, and they all got healed. Her own first patient thereafter was from Iloro-Ekiti and this was Jingo’s son at Iloro today hail and healthy. Her trials therefore became convincing and hence, a new bone healer emerged.

This breakthrough gave Yeye Atora a very wide acceptance and publicity. Patients were now being brought from everywhere under the sun and to the glory of God, they had their problems solved permanently and they still being taken care of in the best practices of traditional orthopedic approach.

Today, it is not only that Yeye Atora is a household name; her dexterity at handling complex cases has placed her and Ijurin-Ekiti on a world map. She handles all minor and complicated cases of cracked or broken bones. You would be advised to take the patient to Yeye Atora in Ijurin-Ekiti, in Ijero Local Government of Ekiti State where bone problems are cared for.

Today in Ekiti state, ljurin-Ekiti is amazingly recognized and respected for Yeye Atora's ability to sustain and make her father's legendary and self developed trade a pride.

On 25th January, 2020, Mrs. Bejide Florence Oluwadare was honored and installed by  Kabiesi, HRM, Oba Evangelist Joachim Adeyemi Afolabi Ajibola, the Ojurin of ljurin - Ekiti as the Yeye Atora of Ijurin-Ekiti on the occasion marking the 5th coronation of the revered Kabiesi.


Hung be the heavens with black, yield day to night!

Comets, importing change of tides and states,

Brandish your crystalliferous knots in the sky

And with them strike the bad revolting stars

That has consented unto Aba'woro-Efi's death!

Chief  Oluwadare Oni, too famous to live long!

Ijurin never lost an honest priest of so much worth.

Aworo-Efi never had a head until his time.

Virtue he had, deserving to command;

His brandished swords did blind men with his beams;

His arms spread wider than a dragon's wings;

His sparkling eyes, replete with wrathful fire,

More dazzled and drove back his enemies

Than mid-day Sun fierce blown against their faces

Oh! What else should I say?

His deeds exceed all speech:

He never raised arm but ever conquered.

Chief Oluwadare Oni was a Christian devout,

Albeit, before becoming Aworo-Efi priest;

He was a priest blessed of the king of kings;

Unto the black the dreadful judgment day

So dreadful will not be, as was his sight

The battles of the Lord of Hosts he fought;

The church's prayers made him so prosperous, so famous.

Long ago and anomie since was died,

His thread of life had not so soon decayed.

None do we have but an effeminate Prince,

Who, like a school boy, we may overawe.

Yet we mourn in black, since Heads were dead,

And why mourn we not in blood?

Baba-Atora is dead and never shall revive.

Upon a wooden coffin we attend;

And death's dishonorable victory

We with stately presence glorify,

Like captives bound to a triumphant car

What! Shall we curse the planets of mishap?

That plotted thus our glory's overthrow?

Or shall think the subtle - witted Britain

Conjurers and sorcerers, that, afraid of him,

By magic verses have contrived his end?

O! Oluwadare! Whatever we like, thou art protector

And looks’ to command princes and realms

Thy daughter is proud; she holdeth thee in awe,

More than God or religious churchmen may.

Friday, February 5, 2021

Akirun's Demise: Supreme Forum of Yoruba Youths Condoles Ikirun Kingddom and the Government of the state of Osun


The National body of the Supreme Forum of Yoruba Youths (SFYY) under the leadership of the President general, Com. Femi Awogboro deeply saddened to learn about the passing away of His Majesty the Oba AbdulRauf Olawale Adedeji. On this sad occasion, the SFYY Board of Trustees and National Executives would like to express its deepest condolences to all members of the Royal Family, the government  and the people of Osun.

His Majesty was a remarkable King, who dedicated his entire life to the improvement of the country, the people of Ikirun, and the wellbeing of the Ikirun people without discrimination as to their status, ethnicity or religious persuasion. To bring peace and prosperity to the people of Ikirun, His Majesty had devoted his life and worked tirelessly for improvement of life of the common people. 

There is no doubt that his Majesty’s wisdom and devotion were an enduring source of strength and comfort for the people of the Kingdom.

His excellent leadership and graciousness will be remembered by the SFYY forever.


Otunba 'Femi Awogboro,

Aare Apapo.

Com. KAZEEM Olarewaju,



 Balogun Azeez,

 Publicity Secretary.



never has my life  been dramatically changed  by an animal  encounter - but that’s  OK for the hundreds of  little adjustments  ...