Tuesday, January 19, 2021



We're daughters of the lonely street

Conferences we have with street men

Popular we are in the room 306

Yet prodigal sons rest in our vineyard.

Like street light we mount the streets

Serving as light for the rich man

Yet the motel is our dwelling place

When the day is our time of rest.

Hot dreams we dream at interval

For our wound has refused to heal

Perfume is now our bosom friend

Yet our wound brings our meal.

Dove we are during the day time

While hawk we are at the night

Our cloth glitters like eagle's feather

Yet we are addicted to cold weather.

We settle for both debris and fresh

Drugs we have made our right man

When we're good to all our client

Who made our cash available.

We dance to the tone of our world

When our nature refused to be kind

Condemn not our intentional deeds

For we constitute the society.

Mothers we are in many household

Daughters we are in many kindreds

Save your strength and saliva

For that is our daily occupation.

Brought to you by:

©️ *Life of wisdom's series*

Written by✍🏽


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never has my life  been dramatically changed  by an animal  encounter - but that’s  OK for the hundreds of  little adjustments  ...