Tuesday, January 19, 2021




I realized that I'm not perfect

But your love holds a key for the door that secreted perfection in me

I love you so much

I know you also feel the same way, the presence of your spirit convinced me, but sometimes I have doubts like any other human being

I don't often think of you, cause that hurts

Your presence reminds me of what love is, and to see you smile trips my heart, that why it always fall in love every time I see you

I'm not a quite person if you get to know me, the thing is I often try to solve x in your beautiful face, using the formula of your smile, but still the  calculator of my ex's errors the solution

So it obvious that your beauty is beyond their league

So I often spend my days thinking of how to tell you how beautiful you are

And I now know where God has hidden my treasure 

Ignore the breasts, yes they are attractive but behind your chest there is a trophy I'll even compete with life itself just to win it

And that is your heart

I always loved you

I still do

And forever will

I won't lie to you 

The time you were gone

I sometimes thirst for your presence 

So I choose to picture your soul in another temple so I could feel the warmth of your touch mending all those missing parts on my skin

And to feel your alacrifying mourn singing to my eardrums, 

But mostly I want you to be all over me

Though that hurts every time

Because whenever they leave they take a piece of me with them

As I'm not planning to stop loving you, I want you to know that you are the Angel of my imagination

Diamonds shine brighter when you are around

Wind blows smoothly when you breath

My castle of love is more breathtaking when you are the Queen

The captain of my heart and I no more wanna love another, so make your command

Allow my spirit to enter your soul

For the last time trust me with your fragile heart I've built a safe place for it in my world of love

I'm willing to love you unlike any other 

I'm tired of searching

The system has poisoned the ocean

And you were the only fish left that was still so conscious 

Now allow my dusty old fishing net to catch you

I only promise the bright future as you will no longer swim but sail with me in this relation ship I've built for us

I hope this message reaches you before the end of time

I Love You

And I missed you so much



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