Sunday, January 31, 2021

I Love You Like I Hate You


 ```I love you like I hate you.

With every fibre of my being. 

With every contraction of my ribs as my broken heart wails. 

I love you like I hate you. 

With every molecule of tears you'll bring. 

With every sense of memory that I keep as our love drastically fails. 

I love you like I hate you. 

With every movement of my limbs. 

With every mole and brittleness of my bones. 

I love you like I hate you. 

With every sound from my lips. 

With every pain and bitterness of our unbreakable bond. 

I love you like I hate you. 

With every atom of my shallow emotions. 

With all the pain engraved beneath my heart. 

I love you like I hate you. 

With every broken bone's skeletal vibration. 

With every scar on my face and every scald and every scratch. 

I love you like I hate you. 

Till my skin melts and my bones mix with soil. 

I love you like I hate you from the dark abyss of my soul.``` 


Thursday, January 21, 2021

Amanda Gorman Inauguration Poem Transcript, ‘The Hill We Climb’


Mr. President, Dr. Biden, Madam Vice President, Mr. Emhoff, Americans and the world, when day comes we ask ourselves where can we find light in this never-ending shade? The loss we carry asea we must wade. We’ve braved the belly of the beast. We’ve learned that quiet isn’t always peace. In the norms and notions of what just is isn’t always justice. And yet, the dawn is ours before we knew it. Somehow we do it. Somehow we’ve weathered and witnessed a nation that isn’t broken, but simply unfinished. We, the successors of a country and a time where a skinny black girl descended from slaves and raised by a single mother can dream of becoming president only to find herself reciting for one.

And yes, we are far from polished, far from pristine, but that doesn’t mean we are striving to form a union that is perfect. We are striving to forge our union with purpose. To compose a country committed to all cultures, colors, characters, and conditions of man. And so we lift our gazes not to what stands between us, but what stands before us. We close the divide because we know to put our future first, we must first put our differences aside. We lay down our arms so we can reach out our arms to one another. We seek harm to none and harmony for all. Let the globe, if nothing else, say this is true. That even as we grieved, we grew. That even as we hurt, we hoped. That even as we tired, we tried that will forever be tied together victorious. Not because we will never again know defeat, but because we will never again sow division.

Scripture tells us to envision that everyone shall sit under their own vine and fig tree and no one shall make them afraid. If we’re to live up to her own time, then victory won’t lie in the blade, but in all the bridges we’ve made. That is the promise to glade, the hill we climb if only we dare. It’s because being American is more than a pride we inherit. It’s the past we step into and how we repair it. We’ve seen a forest that would shatter our nation rather than share it. Would destroy our country if it meant delaying democracy. This effort very nearly succeeded.

But while democracy can be periodically delayed, it can never be permanently defeated. In this truth, in this faith we trust for while we have our eyes on the future, history has its eyes on us. This is the era of just redemption. We feared it at its inception. We did not feel prepared to be the heirs of such a terrifying hour, but within it, we found the power to author a new chapter, to offer hope and laughter to ourselves so while once we asked, how could we possibly prevail over catastrophe? Now we assert, how could catastrophe possibly prevail over us?

We will not march back to what was, but move to what shall be a country that is bruised, but whole, benevolent, but bold, fierce, and free. We will not be turned around or interrupted by intimidation because we know our inaction and inertia will be the inheritance of the next generation. Our blunders become their burdens. But one thing is certain, if we merge mercy with might and might with right, then love becomes our legacy and change our children’s birthright.

So let us leave behind a country better than one we were left with. Every breath from my bronze-pounded chest we will raise this wounded world into a wondrous one. We will rise from the gold-limbed hills of the West. We will rise from the wind-swept Northeast where our forefathers first realized revolution. We will rise from the Lake Rim cities of the Midwestern states. We will rise from the sun-baked South. We will rebuild, reconcile and recover in every known nook of our nation, in every corner called our country our people diverse and beautiful will emerge battered and beautiful. When day comes, we step out of the shade aflame and unafraid. The new dawn blooms as we free it. For there is always light. If only we’re brave enough to see it. If only we’re brave enough to be it.



On the alter of love I sacrifice thee 

Who shall stand before thy love?

Even thy love herself shall not

For a plane land I shall make thee

On the street of love is my soul 

Yet your words are nail to my soul

Who shall comfort the lover boy?

For thy feelings are truncated

Your strength captured my soul

At your weakness I was blinded

Yet my weakness you can't handle

For thy failure you acted upon

Yet I have always smiled in pains

Mama come and counsel me now.

Brought to you by:

©️ *Life of Wisdom's series*

Written by✍🏽


ZaniLa Rhyme - Fallen Angel...


For you, I'm fallen as an angel,

Life is like hell, I'm sans you,

Now a miracle's so essential,

Even God want not me to sense you,

You are in the words in the caption,

Always in my hashtag too,

Now what essential is miracle,

So we could meet after snapback thru,

I've been dropping words like Corona,

Seems you in a hazmat suit,

Now a miracle's so essential,

coz I'm walking on a man banned route...

Wednesday, January 20, 2021



Here is a good night kiss

for you, my love, my heart,my world.

It's only a full moonlight that divides us

but you seem so far away.

Your lips that whispers to my soul,

the Smile that i call my own

Just like the moon you rule with case

Then I feel at ease. 

Bringing me freedom, love and peace

And a heart with emotions that never cease.

I love how we love and also tease.

Reward Yourself With Sleep

After a long tiring day,

the good old night is here.

It is time when the moon up there glows and gleams,

when it tells us to have sweet dreams.

So my dear reward yourself with sleep tonight,

Here I stop by to your side, to wish you a goodnight

Written by: Mawuli 



Should i say what i feel,

But i can't be friend zoned now

I thought we had time ,but the time is gone

The memory i had back then

Kissed you on the mouth not on the forehead

Cuddle with you not just greating  hugs

Oh i should have told you what i really felt 

Like two horses on different ranches

Like two love birds on different nests

Now am busy fantasizing over your facebook pictures 

Cultivating my feelings i won't see in use,

And you on your other side living the best life

We have grown to be desperate

Distance being the barrier and the fate of the obstacle being the cause


I wish ,i wish ,but wishing won't cure anything now

If only i had this mind by then.......

Saying i love you would be much easier now.





My heart is broken and it's bleeding ,

Pains flowing through my veins;

Because of the brutality in our neighbouring country

When wars and conflicts totally cease,

In our world, there shall be peace.

We must rid ourselves of vanity,

embrace peace, through humanity

War makes our lives tougher,

Lose our innocence, while we suffer.

We should fight for peace instead,

Love not war, we should spread. 


Peace is something we all seek,

When we lack it, we feel weak.

Since it's rooted deep inside,

The labour of our heroes past

Shall never be in vain

To serve with heart and might

One nation bound in freedom, 

peace and unity.

We are the change,we can make it happen.

War and conflicts, we must avoid,

So that beauty of life, may be enjoyed.

I say Ayekoo and let peace prevail 


Written by: Mawuli 

Tuesday, January 19, 2021



I can hear her silent screams,

So loud and deafening, they echoes in my ears,

I know she's bittered,

I know she's hard-headed,

I know she's enduring a glamorous hurt,

But what did she do?

She braced them up with smiles,

An insincere smile,

A tyrannic smile afflicted by nature,

A heroine indeed,

She watched her progeny coming out of her,

I got lost in thoughts for a while,

Will I experience such stress?

Will I feel this agony someday?

These were my acute thoughts,

The unspoken lyrics of the crying child gave me another moment of thought,


She's still smiling,

You won't even notice the tears rolling down her cheek,

She's strong,

She's brave,

She's a woman.

Kudos to all strong and caring mothers


Writer: Adoyi Praiz


I planted a seed in my heart
For it to breed roses and daffodils 
 For love to fully bloom in summer chills
 For love to root deep in my veins
For thorns to prick my aortas and spill blood on my soul 
 To Inprint your initials on the bottoms of my ventricles
  Watered by my salty tears to make it grow in every beat and every pulse.
  I planted a seed in my heart 
To learn how to live and how to love 
  For love to root in my veins. 



Just like a beautiful butterfly

perching on a budding rose

Your love kept lingering 

on my temple-heart.

Like the settling sun

your beauty beam, blooming in hue.

I wispered your love to the air

and the birds flustered my voice

Singing solo,

waking NIFEMI to a joyous dance.

For the dove coo-coo

with white feather on her peak

So also, bivalent rainbow descend

coloring our hearts in rays. 

Making your attention resonate my thinking

giving muse to my pen.

Now, I plant my affection in verses

decorating the universe with your love.

©️ Aminu Femi Jamiu



We're daughters of the lonely street

Conferences we have with street men

Popular we are in the room 306

Yet prodigal sons rest in our vineyard.

Like street light we mount the streets

Serving as light for the rich man

Yet the motel is our dwelling place

When the day is our time of rest.

Hot dreams we dream at interval

For our wound has refused to heal

Perfume is now our bosom friend

Yet our wound brings our meal.

Dove we are during the day time

While hawk we are at the night

Our cloth glitters like eagle's feather

Yet we are addicted to cold weather.

We settle for both debris and fresh

Drugs we have made our right man

When we're good to all our client

Who made our cash available.

We dance to the tone of our world

When our nature refused to be kind

Condemn not our intentional deeds

For we constitute the society.

Mothers we are in many household

Daughters we are in many kindreds

Save your strength and saliva

For that is our daily occupation.

Brought to you by:

©️ *Life of wisdom's series*

Written by✍🏽





I realized that I'm not perfect

But your love holds a key for the door that secreted perfection in me

I love you so much

I know you also feel the same way, the presence of your spirit convinced me, but sometimes I have doubts like any other human being

I don't often think of you, cause that hurts

Your presence reminds me of what love is, and to see you smile trips my heart, that why it always fall in love every time I see you

I'm not a quite person if you get to know me, the thing is I often try to solve x in your beautiful face, using the formula of your smile, but still the  calculator of my ex's errors the solution

So it obvious that your beauty is beyond their league

So I often spend my days thinking of how to tell you how beautiful you are

And I now know where God has hidden my treasure 

Ignore the breasts, yes they are attractive but behind your chest there is a trophy I'll even compete with life itself just to win it

And that is your heart

I always loved you

I still do

And forever will

I won't lie to you 

The time you were gone

I sometimes thirst for your presence 

So I choose to picture your soul in another temple so I could feel the warmth of your touch mending all those missing parts on my skin

And to feel your alacrifying mourn singing to my eardrums, 

But mostly I want you to be all over me

Though that hurts every time

Because whenever they leave they take a piece of me with them

As I'm not planning to stop loving you, I want you to know that you are the Angel of my imagination

Diamonds shine brighter when you are around

Wind blows smoothly when you breath

My castle of love is more breathtaking when you are the Queen

The captain of my heart and I no more wanna love another, so make your command

Allow my spirit to enter your soul

For the last time trust me with your fragile heart I've built a safe place for it in my world of love

I'm willing to love you unlike any other 

I'm tired of searching

The system has poisoned the ocean

And you were the only fish left that was still so conscious 

Now allow my dusty old fishing net to catch you

I only promise the bright future as you will no longer swim but sail with me in this relation ship I've built for us

I hope this message reaches you before the end of time

I Love You

And I missed you so much





Written by: Mawuli 

Your purpose in life is to live,not to exist.

As you get older, you start to wonder

Why am I here? Was it just a mistake?

To spent so much time creating, ready to give myself to a world 

that's only seemed to cause destruction to my own soul, 

and take from me the things I needed most;

In this Life...

Tick tock...tick tock...

Life is counting down on your internal clock.

Memories that feel as if they occurred yesterday

turn to flashback that seem to fade away.

Live your life not to impress someone,

But to depress your enemies with depression.


Life is like a beautiful melody,

only the lyrics are messed up,

And the Chorus mixed up,but in life 

It's takes the strongest to survive 

And the weakest to Revive...


never has my life  been dramatically changed  by an animal  encounter - but that’s  OK for the hundreds of  little adjustments  ...